
In this section, you will be provided with all relevant downloads related to the IOR




Current information




  • IOR Annual Report 2023 – IT | EN
  • IOR Annual Report 2022 – IT | EN
  • IOR Annual Report 2021 – IT | EN
  • IOR Annual Report 2020 – IT | EN
  • IOR Annual Report 2019 – IT | EN
  • IOR Annual Report 2018IT | EN
  • IOR Annual Report 2017IT | EN
  • IOR Annual Report 2016IT | EN
  • IOR Annual Report 2015IT | EN
  • IOR Annual Report 2014IT | EN
  • IOR Annual Report 2013 – IT | EN
  • IOR Annual Report 2012 – IT | EN








Press photos


Commission of Cardinals


Cardinal Christoph Schönborn

Cardinal Emil Paul Tscherrig

Cardinal Luis Antonio Gokim Tagle

Cardinal Konrad Krajewski

Cardinal Giuseppe Petrocchi




Msgr. Battista Mario Salvatore Ricca

1,12 MB
Print free of charge. Copyright by IOR.


Board of Superintendence


Jean-Baptiste Douville de Franssu

0,14 MB
Print free of charge. Copyright by IOR.

Sir Michael Hintze

0,19 MB
Print free of charge. Copyright by IOR.

Mauricio Larraín

0,11 MB
Print free of charge. Copyright by IOR.

Scott C. Malpass

Print free of charge. Copyright by IOR.

Javier Marin Romano

Print free of charge. Copyright by IOR.

Georg Freiherr von Boeselager

Print free of charge. Copyright by IOR.


Director General


Gian Franco Mammì


Print free of charge. Copyright by IOR.


IOR images



2,18 MB
Print free of charge. Copyright by IOR.


1,9 MB
Print free of charge. Copyright by IOR.


1,41 MB
Print free of charge. Copyright by IOR.


2,3 MB
Print free of charge. Copyright by IOR.


1,69 MB
Print free of charge. Copyright by IOR.


1,75 MB
Print free of charge. Copyright by IOR.


2,24 MB
Print free of charge. Copyright by IOR.






TV footage of the IOR can be requested by e-mail to the IOR Press Office. The intended use of the video material has to be specified in your request.

Legal note: The footage may be used for editorial purposes only. Any other use or distribution to third parties is prohibited. Copyright and all rights of use remain with IOR. All images used must be credited as "Video footage of the IOR".






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